Carbon thin film materials production by chemical vapor deposition

présenté par

Alexander OBRAZTSOV  

Université de Moscou


Résumé :

Carbon materials are known by possibility to exist in many allotropic forms. The natural carbons are available mostly in form of amorphous (coal) and crystalline (graphite, diamond) materials, while the man-made materials include also numerous forms which are not (or rarely) found in Nature. Except carbon soot and carbon fibers these are so called nanostructural carbons like nanodiamond, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene and similar. Due to their properties diamond, graphite and nanostructural forms of carbons are very attractive for numerous applications. Thin films (or coatings) composed of different types of carbon (including graphite, diamond and nanostructural forms) are the most suitable for many of these applications.

The most usual methods for synthesis of carbon thin film materials is chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Here we will consider a particular variant of CVD with activation of gaseous phase occuring in plasma of a direct current discharge (PE CVD). Basic principles and practical aspects of the PE CVD method will be considered as well as examples of its realization for production thin films composed of polycrystalline diamond or graphite films, graphene, and carbon nanotubes. Some of potential applications of these carbon thin films will be discussed also.