ANNULE : Seminar 30/05/2024 at 11H seminar room

Dear all,

On the week of May 27th (during 4 days), Professor Alexander Lopez, a specialist in theoretical physics from Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Ecuador, will  visit our laboratory,  Department MMM. During his visit, he will give a seminar on Mai 30 at 11:00h, seminar room 2.26.

Title: Dynamical engineering of low dimensional systems

Abstract: Using time-periodic perturbations, it is well known that the electronic properties of low dimensional systems can be controlled on demand, within experimentally relevant parameter regimes. During this seminar, I will present recent theoretical results related to the interplay of light-matter interaction and spin-orbit effects in graphene-like systems. I will also present some results on periodic modulation of a polyacetylene effective one dimensional chain and discuss the optical enhancement of chiral induced spin selectivity in DNA-like molecules.

He will also provide a brief overview of his university and discuss the main research topics pursued there.

Looking forward to seeing many of you at this seminar.
