Séminaire 8/10 10h30 - Luc St-Pierre - Aalto, Finland - Fracture toughness of planar lattices: novel tessellations and hierarchical designs

GPM Seminar --  8 oct. 2024 - 10:30 AM - INSA Rouen - Room number to be defined

By Pr. Luc St-Pierre, University Aalto, Finland

Fracture toughness of planar lattices: novel tessellations and hierarchical designs

Lattice materials, such as honeycombs, are not only light, stiff, and strong, but they also have a high toughness.  In this talk, I will show (i) how novel, unexplored tessellations can help us identify why some topologies have a remarkably high toughness and (ii) how introducing hierarchy can increase the fracture toughness of lattices.


Fabrice BARBE