Windows installation

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Installation of SIEDmaker4win:

SIEDmaker4win.exe is a graphical tool that allow the opening of a cameca NS50 image file (.im), its data extraction and the automated edition of config.ini file. It has been successfully tested on win2k, winXP, win vista, win7 and win10.

There is no need to install in the sense you can execute the program from anywhere. To ease the use, you can copy the SIEDmaker4win.exe file in a folder of your choice and create a shortcut you can copy on your desktop and/or your start menu.

Note : If you need to analyze an image from a new Windows station (32 bits), you have to convert this new format (32bits) to the old format (16bits) with win2SUN in order to use SIEDmaker4win (see SIEDusersguide).

For informations on the compiling of parameters of this software, read SIEDusersguide.pdf.


Installation of SIED :

To work properly, SIED requires the installation of openMPI and GNU Scientific libraries that are not natively supported on Windows systems. You have first to install Cygwin, that is an environment for Windows system giving Linux functionnalities (including the required libraries for SIED).

Note: it is possible to use SIED without Cygwin, but it will not be documented here.

Download the Cygwin installer (exists for 32 and 64 bit systems) at

Execute the installer (Setup-x86.exe or setupx86_64.exe) to install cygwin.

Select the mirror site of your choice (all proposed mirror sites will work but some are quicker depending on your geographical location).

Always choose the installation default parameters

Add the following packages when asked by clicking on the ico_ref(the text “skip” will be replaced by the version number of the package to be installed.

List of packages to be installed :

  • devel→ gcc-core
  • libs→libgsl-devel
  • libs→libopenmpi
  • libs→libopenmpi-devel

copy SIED source (the file “sied.c” in lowercase) in the folder “c:\cygwin\home\user”.

Compile SIED by typing the command :

mpicc -o SIED sied.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm

 Install SIED by typing :

cp SIED /usr/bin


Use of SIED :

In the directory containing the text image files and configuration file, type in command line :

mpiexec -np 8  SIED config.ini

This command will launch the analysis with the parameters contained in “config.ini” file with 8 threads. Adjust the number following “-np” with the number of desired threads (try first the number of cores of your processor). For more information about multithreading, see your MPI library documentation.

Note: During the execution of SIED, nearly all the CPU resources are used, slowing down your system.

For infomation on the interpreting of results of the software, see the SIEDusersguide.