The GPM Lab is involved in a Master of Matter Science.
"Nanosciences" and "Materials Engineering" training programs have an international dimension in that they allow improving language skills, discovering how research is done all over the world and establish a widespread network of international connections.
During the 1st year of the master program:
- 40h classes will be covered by English-speaking teachers,
- Students can apply for a 3-month internship abroad.
During the 2nd year of the master program,
- Classes will be taught in English,
- Students can apply for a 6-month internship abroad.
Selected candidates will have the chance of getting enrolled for the whole year at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA), graduating from both universities (Rouen and Nebraska-Lincoln).
Admission requirements
1st year (M1): 3-year post-bachelor diploma in Physics, Physical Chemistry, Materials, Engineering, Sciences and technology.
2nd year (M2): M1 or equivalent diploma in Physics, Physical Chemistry, Materials, Engineering, Sciences and technology.
In addition, you can apply to the Graduate School Materials &Energy Sciences
Download the Flyer and the program of the Master.