Linux installation

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Installation of SIEDmaker :

This graphical tool allows to open cameca NanoSIMS50 .im file, extract the images, edit the configuration file for SIED and generate script for sequentially launch multiple analyses.
SIEDmaker uses the Gimp Toolkit 2 (GTK+ 2) library. Download and install the latest version on official site or install the package for your distribution. For apt using Linux distributions just type :

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev

Go to the directory you stored siedmaker.c source file  and compile it by typing (on a single line):

gcc `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags` siedmaker.c -o SIEDmaker `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs` -lm 

Note : Ignore the warnings at compilation. Normally, it will create the binary SIEDmaker.

Install the program in your path by typing:

sudo cp SIEDmaker /usr/bin

Now you can execute SIEDmaker by typing:


Note : if you have to analyze old 16-bit SUN station, you would prefer to use SIEDmaker 2.31. A preferable alternative method is to convert the old format (16-bit) to the new one (32-bit) with SUN2win in order to use the new SIEDmaker version (see SIEDusersguide.pdf).

For informations on the completing of parameters of this software, read SIEDusersguide.pdf.




Installation of SIED :

Install openMPI and GSL librairies. Depending on your distribution, compiled packages can be found.

                       OpenMPI : for download and documentation.

                       GSL : for download and documentation.


Remark : on Linux distribution that use apt-get (such as Debian, Ubuntu etc...) install the libraries by just typing :

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libgsl23 libgslcblas0 libgsl-dev


In the case you have to install the libraries from source, see directly the documentation of the library.

Compile SIED, go to the SIED folder and type:

mpicc -o SIED sied.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm


Install SIED:

sudo cp SIED /usr/bin


Use of SIED :

In the directory containing the text image files and configuration file, type in command line :

mpiexec -np 8  SIED config.ini


This command will launch the analysis with the parameters contained in “config.ini” file with 8 threads. Adjust the number following “-np” with the number of desired threads (try first the number of cores of your processor). For more information about multithreading, see your MPI library documentation.

Note: During the execution of SIED, nearly all the CPU resources are used, slowing down your system.


For infomation on the interpreting of results of the software, see the SIEDusersguide.